Having blurry scenery Problems

Did it start to happen recently or has it always been like that?

Ohhhh I seee thank you so much just wanna know does you’re scenery still get bad even if it. Was green you’re connection

It just recently started it never was like that and my graphics was always set the same way.

Could you please run the app below and send us the results? That way we will know if your internet speed is the issue.

Must I download the app from play store.

Yes. Just click on “play.google.com” in the post above and you will be redirected to the Play Store.

How do you choose you’re wifi or does it automatically connect to your wifi

It automatically tests the WiFi your phone is currently connected to. Just make sure that you are connected to the same network that you use when using IF.

Our wifi name I use is DLink in the house but the network is Telkom

The names don’t matter. Just be sure that you are connected to your usual WiFi and run the test. :)

This was what I got. 😊

This is most likely the issue here… These numbers don’t look very good. Adding to that, no WiFi will run at 100% all the time, it might get a bit slower at times and this will cause the problem you are having. Your download speed might get so low that it won’t be enough to download the HD scenery.

The best solution would be to upgrade your WiFi, but you can try what I mentioned in the post below when that happens.

Thanks for all the help I think it might most probably be the wifi but was just wondering if the wifi is bad sometimes why does the global scenery stay connected meaning the tick ✅ mark is green.

This is the low setting graphics look likes…

Ohhhhhh nice and that is all you’re settings on low looks great tho.

So it seeems like it was most probably a wifi problem because I flew from Los Angeles to Tahiti today it was about 7 hours and it seems like the graphics was great even when I landed thanks so much for all the help really appreciate it so much 😊

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