Hardest plane to butter in IF?

I did my butteriest landing in the 76, dunno what ur talking bout. Skill issue

737 700 is definitely the hardest

It’s the plane you haven’t practiced enough repetitions with on solo using the short final function.

Almost stalled a B747-8 on finals into Dubai yesterday, on an approach it can be tricky especially for a person who’s never flown it before (me). But landing wise due to its gear tilt it can be a pleasure to land once you have practised a few times.

If you are planning to use the B747 just be aware that on landing it obviously uses a higher VREF speed because it’s bigger and heavier than most planes on the simulator, I almost made the mistake of making my approach speed to low because I’ve been flying a lot of narrow bodies lately.

I think the easiest way to butter with planes is when you touch down don’t drop the throttle all the way down to 0 instead slightly lower by like 3%-5% then after touchdown to hold the flare increase the throttle to prevent excessive lose in speeds thats how i butter the A320 CEO family and many other planes.


It’s not that easy when your like me and you shame yourself every time I land with HUD. I like to peak with realism by only flying using the flight deck.