ive landend dozens of times on the 737, and i only buttered it a few times. I am capable of landing it like intented, a firm landing, but not destroying it. Around 250fpm on touchdown. On short runways, your only option is to do an even harder landing, like 400fpm (or not more than 600fpm)
It is a plane designed for hard landings, so its very difficult to butter
7 degree flare is almost always too much. Try to flare 5 degrees at max
y’all are wrong, of course its the A330s
Not really… it brakes really good though lol
Also why does no one know how to land a Cessna lol
“Stall it!”
I can’t do a butter landing on the A220-300 😭
For anyone struggling with any aircraft (excluding ga and really old planes) practice with HUD camera! It’s helpful!
you gotta be joking
I’m not joking. I’m kidding.
whatever haha
probably the 717 or A340 for me
I remember watching a pov video of a guy doing patterns in a Cessna and he said the exact same thing. You need to hear the stall warning buzzer just before touchdown.
Well, what is your speed during approach, flaps and trim ? For me it’s pretty easy to land smoothly a B737 and I have few rules (straight out from the real plane). Let’s say that we have:
- 4000 kg (≈ 9000 lbs) of fuel ( approximately of 1,5h of flying)
- Full cabin of passengers
- 3500 kg (≈ 7700 lbs) of cargo
Let’s do a “standard” approach with nice weather conditions.
Your speed should be around 150 kts ( and it’s s speed of aircraft- not relative to the ground- so if you have strong head wind you should go little bit faster but do not exceed 160 kts) Select this speed somewhere around 2500ft above the ground to stabilize your approach with 30° flaps and +40% trim. You should keep autopilot with this speed until minimum 1000ft then control it manually !
listen carefully to cabin notifications of height, in a mean time keep standard decent speed around -700ftpm ( correct it if needed with PAPI lights or ILS approach indicator) but all the time keep 150 kts of speed.
If you’ll hear notifications 30 ft above ground then reduce throttle of half! ( for example PWR 60 =N1 70 then after reducing PWR 30= N1 45) it could be little bit more or less- you’ll feel it in time and change it precisely even without looking at numbers. When you reduced your power start immediately rising up the nose of plane.
After 10 ft reduce your power to zero and continue rising up a nose ( your speed in the moment of touchdown is going to be around 135-145kts)
after landing start breaking and keep trying rising your nose ( it will slower down the proces of lowering front gear and prevent hitting it hard on the ground)
Remember to almost always use 30° flaps. 40° flaps are useless and are only used on very short runways, then speed during approach should be around 130 kts.
Aviator 101. He is great.
For some reason, my landings on C172 is better with the cockpit view without HUD. I use the hud before the short final but I can touchdown better with the cockpit view.
The 717 is tricky but it’s an old plane so I don’t feel like it should count lol. The XCub and C172 are still the answer for me.
A350, always miss the flare
717 is a scary one to land with, but the 747-8 can be very bouncy as well. Also have not had pleasant autoland experiences with the E175 lol
I know always find a way to stall