Let’s take a moment to celebrate our very own @Dan ’s cake day! Thank you for all you do for IFC and the simulator at large!
Happy cake day @Dan
Lmao, yet another one.
Yet another Anniversary topic. Fun fact, did you know that Dan has never made a topic celebrating his own cake day, and it’s his 8th anniversary!
Happy cake day @Dan
Happy cake day! @Dan
Happy cake day man!
Happy Cake Day @Dan 🥳🥳
Happy cake day @Dan nie pannie
Happy cake day @Dan
Happy cake day @Dan!
Happy cake day @Dan! 🗿
Ahhh, awesome! Thanks so much folks 😄 Here’s to many more years 🙌🏼
I’ll have some cake 🎂 happy cake day Dan 🎉
Gosh I’ve just realised this…
Happy Cake day @Dan , you deserve it for all the work!
Happy cake day @Dan ! Thanks for all the hard work you have put in on this sim and on the IFC over the 8 years ( did not know that you were around for so long tho 😅thanks @Dan_77 for the info ) . And also thank you for always creating incredible events with a lot of original routes !
Just let him be. No ones forcing you to look at the topic. It’s also not against any rules. @Mort is just trying to be a nice person. No need to be negative on a topic that’s supposed to be positive.
Some people care more than others about their cake day on the IFC.
Happy cake day @Dan!
Happy Cake Day, Dan!
He already has enough likes, he doesn’t need to do that :)
Happy cakeday @Dan! Here’s to many more amazing years on this wonderful community!!!