Half A Decade? What?

Back when I started IF, We had THE space shuttle 😂


Ah, I remember that low-polygon brick of a thing, still miss it lmao

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5 years! Congratulations! 🥳


This is the stuff i love about this community, i have so many friends IRL now which i wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for IF.

Congrats on the 5 years !!

Here’s to the next 5 :cheers:

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Congrats nice to have you on here for 5 years, hopefully to many more, and maybe we can become friends in the game.

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Way too long haha. Thank you!

Thank you Tyler! To 5 more!

thank you! You have always been a good friend!

way too long haha. Thanks

Thanks man! Glad to have gotten the opportunity to talk with ya

I remember the space shuttle too!

Thank you Marc!

I agree, the community has a way of bringing people together with similar interests! To the next 5 haha!

for sure! Thanks!


Yoooo happy 5 year cake day my dude! 🔥

Mine’s coming up soon for IF as a whole (3 for IFC) if anyone looks at my “joined” date and doesn’t know who I am/was and is confused, I was around here for a few years before as Alaska096

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I miss u. We’ll connect again soon I promise.


I know it is a little late to the party but Congratulations on 5 years 🥳🍾🎉🎊🍻

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