Figured I would make this since some of us enjoy flying together. Organize your fun group flights here!
Would anyone like to fly now?
I’ll give it a go… Where you flying out from?
San Diego. My call song is West jet 5578 and I am flying to KNUC on the advanced sever. Then hopefully to LAX and back down to KSAN.
Sorry. Change of plans. I can’t do it tonight but maybe some other time :wink:
Haha no problem
Join me group flight my name is dodo Farhat on multiplayer
@Dodo_Farhat @United_IAH @AviationJunkie @ZachS maybe all of us could do a flight together some time :wink:
I’m free to fly right now if you want to join me?
I need to go some where right now but I will contact you when I get back :wink:
Okay, sure
Alright so my call sign is WestJet 5578 I will be at KSAN flying to KNUC and then LAX back down to SAN. See you there.
Spawn at terminal 1 at gate 10
what server? My callsign is UPS 295 Heavy
Advanced and I am changing my call sing to FedEx 5578
Flying to LAX if anyone wants to meet us there
Coming now
I am WestJet 5578 at terminal 2 with UPS
My game crashed :frowning: