It should be around 11:30 to 12:00 hours pal 👍
Happens right in the middle of the work day
About 11 hours i think
Hi Everyone. Its CaptainHector 1. Id love to join the group flight but I unfortunately have school with wifi that doesn’t support Infinite flight. But i did take off hours ago. I hope you guys travel safely and remember not to do stuff to get you violations.
Still so sad I cant attend this lol
You‘re gonna be missing a bit mate. Open the tracker right now, the airport is really full!
Dang bro. That’s awful, bro. Bro! Were gonna miss you, bro!
That’s it! Almost 26hrs in total: EHAM-SCEL-NZAA
Thanks @Dan for the group flight and massive shoutout to all the controllers around. CU!
Boeing 747 Singapore to Australia QANTAS AIR
I couldn’t join you, I have class 🥲
This was my first every community event, it was so cool seeing so many people and going to two new airports I have never been too as well :)
I tried to stay in the wake, but unfortunately in the middle of the ocean the battery died 😭😭😭, I will try again in another event, maybe with less flight hours. Anyway it was a pleasure to have been among you for six hours.