Yes, but I don’t understand it realy. It says 12PM. Does that mean it is in the afternoon tomorrow or in the night today…? I am not made for this logic haha.
It’s 12pm, Afternoon, Tomorrow for people in Amsterdam
Midnight is 12am. This event will start at 12pm in your local time (which is the middle of the day)
Great! Thanks. See you there!
Definitely going to join this one I enjoyed my first group flight can’t wait to enjoy this one.
It looks like a very interesting flight
Welcome to the community!
Expect 100 arrivals in 20 @bumy
I hate doing long hauls in broad daylight so no
I’m in the Us Eastern time zone so I’ll have to wake up at 6 but it dosnt matter
We are actually planning that again in October. Destination Doha part 2 coming soon.
I am also going to fly from Madrid - Mexico city with the Iberia A350. Is someone going with me? Departing at 23u Madrid timezone.
Will try to join
I’ll go but I’ll have to go to sleep at like 7:00pm and set 20 alarms to wake up at the right time 🤣
It’s 11AM in the UK so it’s midday for you :D
Yeah, I am already ready to go. Standing at the gate. See you there!
Gonna spawn in 45mins early
Found a way to use the Boeing 737-800 on this route so this is gonna be interesting
For my timeline its 11am to 9 pm bruh