Group Flight KFLL to KORD Any Airlines who service To ORD, Still going to be a flight on 15th

Welcome to my First Group Flights. I am Doing a Fort Lauderdale to Chicago O, hare group flight.

(Expert) start at 1:30pm

Airlines >>>
American Airlines and
United Airlines

KFLL ground
KFLL Tower
KFLL Departure

KORD Ground
KORD Tower
KORD Departure

Sure, I’ll be flying American

cough cough @adam_2tuff you there?

yessss my home airport!!

@Riley_Dupont American used the 737-800 on FLL-ORD not the MAX even tho they should

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oh oops

It’s just a choice for this event

@adam_2tuff if you are offended then you can just fly the Infinite Flight livery 😭😭

Can I fly a United 777-200?

its very rare but I’ve seen a AA max a FLL going to ORD


Yeah AA almost never flies the MAX here, i’ve seen it on one or two occasions but going to DFW. Cool tho if they use it on FLL-ORD. We need AA MAX here

I saw one on fr24 to ord yesterday but its still rare

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hopefully they start doing it more often

honestly, imo the max is the superior 737 (without all the problems)

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Yea you can @adam_2tuff

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