Hello, another question from me.
The 250kts max below 10,000ft
Is it Ground speed or Airspeed?
The limit is 250kts (IAS) airspeed below 10,000ft.
Oh, that’s what IAS means? Thanks alot.
Can I direct some of these questions to your inbox? Rather than create numerous topics?
Sure - any questions you have feel free to message me :)
IAS = Indicated Air Speed :)
This old topic is a great one for learning and get a better understanding of the different speeds :)
KIAS (Knots Indicated Airspeed) and ground speed are two different ways of measuring an aircraft’s speed, influenced by distinct factors. KIAS is the speed shown on the aircraft’s airspeed indicator, which is based on the pressure difference between the static air pressure and the dynamic pressure of the airflow as the aircraft moves through the air. It directly relates to the aircraft’s performance in the atmosphere, including lift, stall speed, and maneuverability. Ground speed, on the other hand, is the speed at which an aircraft is moving relative to the ground. It results from the vector sum of the aircraft’s true airspeed (TAS) and the wind component, meaning that if the aircraft is flying into a headwind, its ground speed will be lower than its airspeed, and with a tailwind, its ground speed will be higher.