My IPad 2 has IOS 8.3 and the latest IF update.
Graphics settings:
The aircraft are still splotchy and weird.
I understand that not everything can be corrected with Anti-Aliasing. But this is still bad. I compared it to my phone with the same settings and there was a huge difference. Granted, my IPhone has more storage and is newer…, but the graphics should be a little better than this. It is not just the B789, I tried a couple others too, and still, the same issue. I have closed the app out and restarted my device. I just deleted and reinstalled the app for another issue that wasn’t fixed(I don’t want to do it over again is what I am saying…). Any troubleshooting or help is appreciated.
Go to settings, then graphics. Increase it to it’s highest quality.
If that does not work, re-download the app.
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Please adjust this setting from the main menu rather than in a session. There is an additional quality setting which you can adjust from the Live menu before launching the session. Report back and let us know if we can further assist!
Adding on to what @LAHockey said, you must do this after exiting the flight.
Make sure you are on the main menu then change the settings for aircraft quality t the highest possible one. Do NOT do it during a flight.
Thanks, that worked. I didn’t realize there were more setting for it on the out of flight settings.
No problem, happy to help.