Grade issue

Hello all,
Last time I played IF Pro, I would consistently play on training server, I was grade 2. However, now I am marked as grade 1…
How can this be fixed?

Device: iPad mini 5
Operating system: Apple OS, version 18.0.1

Hey there!

It would appear your violations/landings ratio is too high for the past 12 months, and it has dropped you down to Grade 1. Not to worry though - just do a few landings on the Casual server and you’ll be able to get the ratio down in order to get back to Grade 2 :)


Oh, ok! And a landing requires T > 0:30 seconds, correct?

Yes, a landing needs to be on a runway between the two runway thresholds at each end of the runway, and there must be a gap of 30 seconds between consecutive landings for them to count.

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