I’m a bit irritated. I have 233 hours, 653 flights, 546 landings, 4 level 2, and 2 level 3 violations. This keeps me at Grade 2, when I should be at Grade 4. Two of the level 2 violations were as a result that I was searching for the proper response for ATC, but I wasn’t quick enough before being “violated” and removed from the live server. These BS violations will keep me at Grade 2 and prevent me from flying on the expert server for the next 10 months as I have recently started. Is it worth just cancelling my subscription and just starting over under a different user? I like the app, but I’m not about to continue paying for something that I don’t have full access to. I’m not so much concerned about grade rank, as I am to flying on the expert server. emphasized text
Feel free to contact @appeals regarding your violations. Learn more here:
emphasized text
I don’t even remember what flights the violations are under. Ive probably flown 50 flights since then
I believe the logbook should show if you got a violation
You also can’t appeal the violations if they are more than 7 days old.
The logbook I’m viewing isn’t indicating anything.
These are definitely more than 7 days. Maybe a month or more. I was just flying on Training and Casual in the meantime. Than today, I noticed that those violation preventing me from expert server are for ONE YEAR!
Wow that sucks
Why did you not appeal them while you could?
I’ve tried to appeal one in the past; I was having a hell of a time getting to do it. When this all transpired; I was just kind of like “oh well,” thinking it’ll drop off in a week or so. Like I said in an earlier post; today I realized this is for one year!
IF should really add a Tutorial for players who just got into grade 3 and don’t really know how to fly
There are already some tutorials, the Flying Guide and the Infinite Flight Official YouTube channel are some examples.
We have the user guide which includes a section on the expert server which has a pilot rulebook
Yeah Ik but can it play automatically in the app when we reach grade 3
I know how to fly, but sometimes on my iPhone it’s hard to fly while at the same time trying to find the correct response for ATC. Some, not all ATC’s are on a power trip. I hear some of there orders/responses while flying and I just 🙄.
Bc all the violations I got was because I didn’t know how to fly
Cancelling the subscription is completely up to you. If you’re paying for the subscription to have access to the expert server, obviously cancelling it is the reasonable thing to do. I don’t think anyone will disagree with that and say “no, you should definitely pay another $100 over the next 10 months and suck it up” if the only reason you’re paying for the subscription is for access to the expert server. If you’re getting more out of your subscription than just the expert server, you need to weigh the price you’re paying for the subscription against what you’re currently getting out of it.
I disagree. Just because you were reported, it doesn’t mean the controllers are “on a power trip”. I’m not sure how the commands we IFATC controllers give can make us sound like we’re abusing our power to you, also because, while there is a vast amount of them, they are a bit “limited” in some aspects and, besides a very few of them (and if misused, which is pretty rare), it is impossible to understand whether or not a controller is doing what you said. And I think that is not true, anyway. If we find that someone is misusing the report feature (a thing that can happen to newer and less experienced controllers, for example), we will simply advise them and explain what to do, and what not.
While this could be a nice idea, I’m not sure how hard would be to implement it in-app. In addition, many pilots may not read it anyway and just skip it, unfortunately. Just like how some skip the current guides we currently have that sure, may not be showing up once you reach Grade 3, but are easily accessible.
Anyway, if you receive a violation, or want to discuss something that wasn’t clear to you IFATC-related (i.e. a command you didn’t understand by an IFATC controller), you can follow the guide shared by lucaviness below this topic. Whether it’s the controllers themselves, Appeals or IFATC Supervisors, we are more than happy to help you understand what went wrong and how to fix possible mistakes :)
Exactly! My hope was that hopefully a representative from IF would see this support post and maybe intervene so I don’t have to cancel; then sign back up. Like we agree on, a year of not having full access to an app for which I’m paying for is absurd.
Chances are they aren’t going to do anything - you shouldve appealed the violations when you got them.