Grade 1 when I have grade 3 requirements

I have all requirements for grade 3 but I have grade 1, is it because I lost my pro sub? Because I just got mines back and I wanted to fly in expert server so bad:(

Device:ipad 10th gen
Operating system: iOS 16.0

Can you share a picture of your stats table?

Also try doing a short flight on Casual, it might give your account a refresh that will update your stats.

You see in a span of 15 hours I did 2 flights on casual

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There’s a chance violations or another factor could be impacting your stats. If you’d like, I recommend sharing a screenshot of your grade table (stats) for us to see if anything is not going right.

You have 3 violations for 3 landings-I’d recommend doing 1 more landing-this will bring you down to 0.75-enough for grade 2. A couple more landings will bring your ratio even more down, enough for grade 3, since your other stats seem to be okay for grade 3.

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Ok so I just grind in casual?

Yep, you should work on your landings to reduce your ratio-unless I’m mistaken all your other stats are fine up until grade 3. You only need 1 more landing to unlock the training server, and a couple more for expert.

I’ll just take offf at sfo with a general aviation and grind some landings

It’s orange.
That means it’s a parameter that’s stopping you from reaching the next grade.


Oh thank you

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