I’ve used IF on and off for 10 years. But I am done with it now. I’ll be pursuing other interests. I just want to say thanks to Laura Laban for her friendship over the years and thanks to the many users I befriended as well.
I’ve used IF on and off for 10 years. But I am done with it now. I’ll be pursuing other interests. I just want to say thanks to Laura Laban for her friendship over the years and thanks to the many users I befriended as well.
Good luck mate that was a long journey for you in ifs , enjoy your life❤️
This is sad. Are you really sure i want to go? If yes, then have a enjoyable life, success. And don’t forget," A good pilot is always learning." !
Best of luck,
Clear sky ahead,
Captain Lufty
Good luck with your future endeavors!
Enjoy your new life ahead! We are sorry to see you leave the Infinite Flight skies, but after all, a person cant keep doing something for so many years! Once again, we wish you a wonderful life ahead, and we request that every now and then you will play Infinite Flight!
Best of luck,
Adios good luck
Adios, have good luck in your life!
I’ve seen countless of these goodbye topics just for the people to come back in a week. Schyllberg would agree.
Yet I continue to wish people well on their adventures as they move on, in the event it is for real.
(the definition of insanity is doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting a different result)
But for real, if this is goodbye, well, bye! Have a good life, I hope you enjoyed the 10 years you’ve flown the IF skies.
Blue skies and tailwinds!
I really cant play IF anymore
Sad to see you leave IF, but I don’t think you be away for long 😅
10 years is a long time, I’ve been here what coming up 5 years now. There’s times when I considered leaving only to come back after a break. I don’t think I will actually cease playing the simulator for the rest of my days. It’s super fun, educational, and fulfils my passion for aviation in general.
I can count on my hands how many flights ive flown this year. I understand XD.
my subscription ended on mach 4
my subscription ended 3 days ago
I remember you, friend! Goodbye for now. I hope you’ll be back soon
It ended 2 day before the A380 release
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