We figured it was time for us to give you some news about the progress of our upcoming “global” update.
We know that the long wait has been frustrating since we have a record of much more frequent updates but this is a risk we had to take in order to proceed with such a bold change.
We want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your patience and continuous support. This update is a huge milestone for Infinite Flight and we want to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible.
Summer is coming to an end (on our side of the world) and many of you will be disappointed to learn that we won’t be able to release as initially planned. To be fair, we did say that it was a highly speculative estimate at the time so no real surprise there.
The good news it that we are really close, and to make the wait worth it, we have a little surprise for you:
We have significantly increased the HD satellite imagery (15m resolution) coverage. The following picture shows the coverage we announced initially (solid filled) relative to what will be actually available (solid filled + stripped regions):
This represent 2/3 more imagery, millions of extra square miles to explore in glorious satellite imagery. The new covered regions include:
- Mexico
- East Canada
- East Europe/West Russia
- Vietnam
- Myanmar
- Cambodia
- Laos
- Thailand (90%)
- China
- India
- Bangladesh
- Nepal
- Bhutan
- Caribbeans
Our plan is to achieve close to 100% coverage at 15m resolution over the year following the initial global release. Some regions might take longer since they are often cloudy and it is hard to acquire clear satellite imagery for them.
Because we know that most of you only look at the pretty pictures ;), here are a few shots taken in various places where we added the new HD satellite imagery:
- Somewhere in Russia
- Somewhere in India
- Somewhere in China
- Somewhere in Mexico
- Somewhere in the Caribbeans
We will make another announcement as soon as we have a release candidate ready (RC1) to talk about pricing and to give you the complete list of features that are coming with this major update.
Thank you again for your patience and support.
Happy landings!