George Bush KickOff Flyout 2SEP24

STT is finally 3D! 😁 (Sidebar I don’t fly to airports that aren’t 3D)

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What aircraft were you thinking? When the Max comes out I would do that

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In real life it’s a weekly 737-700, UA1908.

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Mhmmmmmmmm I don’t know

Normally I would join you for those hops (it would be great to up my landing count) but my laptop is broken and my work laptop is at work; so communicating would be difficult since I’m doing everything from my phone.

And PDX, BZN, MSP, TUS, and PSP are 3D as well

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Trust me we don’t have to communicate just do a leg or two that we know in advance

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Originally I was gonna fly to PDX from IAH but I love the approach into STT; it sort of reminds me of
SXM except there’s no beach.

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I know you said 737 for STT but what about the Evo 757

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I thought about that too since we finally have that livery updated

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Yea, and the doors and stuff are animated.

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How long is the flight? 4 hours?

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Yeah, 4 hours and 20 minutes. I wanted to watch a movie and start fixing dinner after I reached cruise so I picked something medium-haul lol

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Makes sense. I might also do Singapore A350 tonight IAH-MAN

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If I didn’t have work tomorrow I’d definitely do a long haul

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So what do you want to do 757 or 737?

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Oh yea I forgot. I don’t have school cause it’s a teacher work day tomorrow

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I’m gonna do the 737; I like the 75 as an aircraft but it’s a little annoying on the sim. I don’t hate it but I don’t use it often.

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Makes sense. I will probably do SWA B737 to DAL-MSP from IAH. So safe flying.

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Likewise! By the way I’m always looking for someone to fly with on my spare time so we can definitely fly together whenever. I’m always looking forward to your upcoming events! Happy landings!

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