Game Mode on iOS18

Since I updated to iOS18 every time I started IF the game mode was activated, but the last times I’ve been flying it hasn’t been like that. I think it’s from the last hotfix we downloaded recently, it’s as if iOS doesn’t recognize IF as a game.

Has it happened to anyone else?

Yes i just noticed this…. Wonder what happened in the latest hotfix

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I’m on Android so I don’t know much about IF with iOS, but I’ve also been running into a few notable issues after the recent hotfix. Game development and programming in general is pretty tricky and even minor changes/updates can cause plenty of prior nonexistent bugs to appear. I sincerely hope the next update fixes these hindrances.

I have tried to reactivate it from the control center, but it has not been possible. As I say, it’s as if I don’t recognize IF as a game. With other games it does work without problems.

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The one in the control centre is gaming focus, that is different, it only stops notifications during play…… but GAME MODE activates only automatically when a game is launched and there is no manual way to activate and deactivate it in ios as far as i know


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