Game crashing

I don’ normally have an issue with infinite flight but lately I have, I was flying LEMD-GCLP when Madrid was on the ATC schedule and my game crashed. I thought nothing of this and restarted my iPad and cleared the cache on the game. Yesterday, I was flying ZSAM-WSSS when I was being vectored by IFATC and I was 8 minutes out it happened again. I do what the people on the community advise such as restart your device before every flight and clear the scenery cache before you do a new flight and I did this before flying but it still happened. I don’t know if it’s a repetitive glitch or if its just unfortunate that it happened twice. What can I do to prevent my game from crashing?

Yeah I had that at first but it doesn’t happen anymore, i’m talking about real time gameplay though.

Have you updated your game

Updated it after they said get the update.

Please supply the following information so we can better help you:

  • the device (brand and model) you are using
  • the OS version is it running
  • the Infinite Flight version (see Settings, About)

Hello, so sorry for the late reply.

Apple iPad 7th generation

Could you please reboot the device and update the app to 24.3.5?

I am updating it now

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