Game crashing all the time

I’m experiencing frequent crashes on the game especially whenever I spawn at an airport and I’m there for a certain amount time or when I’m at busy or active airports, even after a long haul flight and I’m approaching the airport . It’s at the point now where the game is completely unplayable on my device and I tried cancelling the subscription because of this but my refund was rejected. Bare in mind I put all of my settings on the lowest possible, restart my iPad and delete the game before every single flight and it doesn’t seem to be doing anything. It is quite frustrating since I really enjoy playing this game.
iPad Air 2
iOS version 15.8.3

The iPad Air 2 is a very old device - 10 years old at this point and is below Infinite Flight’s minimum requirements.

What are your graphics settings set to?

Edit: nvm just seen.

I always put them to low

This is not necessarily helpful. When you reinstall the game before every single flight, it deletes all aircraft and scenery previously downloaded, which may cause extra strain on the device, as it would have to download the surrounding scenery and liveries all over again - which is more processing overhead. I would advise against reinstalling the app, unless it’s absolutely necessary. It’s a last resort in troubleshooting.

Unfortunately, your device has too little RAM to be able to run Infinite Flight. The minimum requirements state you need to have at least 3GB of RAM to run IF - whereas your iPad Air 2 has just 2GB. I would advise you to look into acquiring a more capable device if you’d like to keep playing. The simulator has simply evolved enough that 2GB of RAM are not enough to keep the game running properly.

My apologies if this answer is not satisfactory - I understand that upgrading devices is not the ideal way to go about such issues, but in this case, it’s the only solution.

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If you want something relatively cheap and recent, I’d recommend the iPad 10th Generation. You can easily find them for around $300 or even less.

If a hypothetical budget is higher - I’d go for the iPad Air (5th Gen) with the M1 chip.

Thank you for clarifying and explaining the situation in detail. I understand now that upgrading my device is the only solution due to the hardware limitations of the iPad Air 2.
I appreciate your time and support, even though it’s not the outcome I was hoping for. I’ll keep this in mind for the future.

Thanks again