Come join me and @Stargazer_Avation for some fun in the casual server tomorrow! Grab your F/A-18 VX-9 Vampires livery, and we’ll do some dogfighting, formation flying, and whatever else comes our way. Takeoff is from NAS Point Mugu, and we’ll head south of San Clemente Island for all the action. Spawn into any Targets Ramp spots. Just drop a comment below to let us know you’ll be there!
Server - Casual
Airport - NAS Point Mugu (KNTD)
I’ll probably be to join this
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Can we do a missing man and can I be the one to pull off?
Can we move it to 11 EST?
sorry guys not gonna be able to attend this one
@Humanguy squad/element 1 leader-Blue angle 1
@Stargazer_Avation wingman to @Humanguy - blue angle 2
@Destructo11 element 2 leader Blue angle 3
@Marly_Byler element 2 wingman to @Destructo11 blue angle 4
When we do a diamond formation it goes humanguy as squad leader
Me on his left
Destructor on his right
And marly in the back
Does this work
If anyone else can join they have the choice to be either fat Albert of blue angle 5
and does anyone know the takeoff speed for the bird?
During this I will not be able to talk I. This, so if you can, I will see it. But maintain 10,000 at 250 IAS and fly due north
Sorry guys over slept on my way!
Lets all line up on the runway and takeoff together runway 21
climb to 10,000 and me at 250 IAS and make a heading due north
We’ll do a formation flight out.
I want to do a missing man
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130 KIAS but the trick is not to takeoff but to get your nose gear up and then let your speed get high and the aircraft just lifts off