"Fuel Used" On the UI display does not work on Some Aircrafts

On my flight with the Airbus A380-800 From Sau Paulo to Dubai the “Fuel Used” Display on the UI Displayed 0 for the 13 Hour Flight.

On my current flight with the Boeing 777-300ER from Dubai To Shanghai the “Fuel Used” Display is working Perfectly fine and is displaying me how much fuel i have Used since i have Push and Started.

This also happend on the Airbus A330-300 That it wasn’t displayed for me how much Fuel I’ve used and since i am in a Virtual Organization and of course after the end of the flight need to File A Pilot Report it is kinda difficult so i need to use the Estimated Fuel Usage From SimBrief to File my Pilot Report.

Hey there!

Are you by any chance using the SimBrief integration in IF to import your FPL and weight data?

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Correct, yes!

This would explain it then. There is currently an issue where, if Fuel via Simbrief > Initially loaded fuel, “Fuel Used” will only start increasing once Fuel Remaining < Initially loaded fuel. Adversely, if Fuel via Simbrief < Initially loaded fuel, then you’ll immediately get Initially loaded fuel minus Fuel via Simbrief as the fuel used - which is, naturally, also wrong. Fuel used will then continue to increase as your flight goes on.

This is known internally, however, there’s no ETA on fixing it. For the purposes of your VA PIREPs, in the meantime, you can simply take the fuel loaded via SimBrief and take away your remaining fuel at the end of your flight.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.


So if the Fuel Loaded from SimBrief is greater than the Fuel i started with it will not display it to me until i have burned some fuel. Correct?

It won’t start to display until you go below the fuel you started with before Simbrief loads the fuel, yes.

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Because of this, I recommend that before you pushback for departure, change your fuel slightly then back to how it was. This should reset the Fuel Used indicated and it will then record normally.

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Alright, i will try this on my next flight with the A380 or other Aircrafts. Thank you!

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Howdy, i started a new Flight with the A350-900 Thai Airways from PVG BKK
And i did what you have said i should do to solve this issue and i - Shanghai Bangkok
Am happy to say that it worked and it is displaying me how much fuel I’ve used. Thank you both i Appreciate it!

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