Fuel-Efficient Flying Competition

Hello, IFC!

As you may be aware, one of the aviation industry’s primary goals is to improve the fuel efficiency of aircraft. Minimizing fuel use is crucial as it allows planes to fly for cheaper, be safer, and be more environmentally friendly.

…So why not try in Infinite Flight, too?

The goal of this challenge is to fly using as little fuel as possible.

There are two ways to look at this. You can either try to fly a long distance with little fuel, or a long time with little fuel. Both have specific techniques and goals to strive for.

Flying for as much time as possible with the least fuel used
  1. Spawn at an airport of your choice on a multiplayer server.

  2. Fly for as long as you wish (Must be >15 minutes)

  3. Send a screenshot of your flight time and fuel used (must be in the same screenshot and must have proof you were on multiplayer)

Flying the greatest distance possible with the least fuel used
  1. Spawn at an airport on a multiplayer server.

  2. Send a screenshot of your fuel used and a screenshot of your flight path (can be found on third-party trackers for example).

  3. Tell us the ICAO of your departure and arrival airports. (Must be more than 30NM from each other)

  4. Your fuel used will be divided by the direct distance between the airports to determine your fuel efficiency.

                     --- Current Leaderboard ---
Distance Flying:

            1st Place: 0.08035 kg/NM - @Robertine
        2nd Place:
    3rd Place:

Time Flying:

            1st Place: 
        2nd Place:
    3rd Place:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask below!

Thank you for reading, and happy flying!



Can we place bets on the winner? :)

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Who do you think will win?

I might be giving away profits if I say.

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Alright then, keep your secrets 😉

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I am in!

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This is going to be fun. Is it nonstop or are stops approved.

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You can do pretty much anything you want :) stops are allowed but I’d assume they worsen fuel efficiency…

Sign me in

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No sign in needed, just post your results in the comments! You can even play multiple times if you want to beat a record!

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I did a flight from Walnut ridge to sweetwater


Here is a first submission to get things started :)

9kg of fuel used to fly from KRWL to WY28, which are 112NM apart.

Average fuel burn = 0.08035 kg/NM

You can’t because when you refuel it resets your fuel used and this your efficiency.

Also is this raw efficiency or efficiency per seat? If it’s the second I think I got it lol

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Ah okay well let’s not refuel then. Stops are allowed but not refueling :)
(Thanks for pointing that out)

This is raw fuel efficiency

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was about to make a record when my battery died 😭

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Nooo :(
You’ll get there ;)

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I think I’m going with the distance record first

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Cool challenge! I’m gonna have to try this.

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