Hi guys! Hope you all had an awesome Christmas.
Yesterday I used the B747-8i for the first time, route was Frankfurt-Buenos Aires. I loaded, as per Simbrief, 148200kg of fuel for a total takeoff weight of 392000kg. I took off and did two step climbs (FL330 and FL360). After reaching my final cruise, the ETE fuel bar remained red almost the entirety of the flight until I had 12% of fuel on my tanks. Knowing I wouldn’t reach Buenos Aires with what I had, i cheated and refuelled mid-flight.
My landing weight was supposed to be 265000kg, but I kept burning fuel and it got to 255000kg prior to refuelling.
Other overseas flights I did (MD-11) and a single B744 one didn’t give me fuel problems, so I was wondering if this was a fuel burn bug on the B747-8i.
I did this flight on Solo, no winds and standard weather settings.
Thanks everyone!
Device: Samsung Galaxy S21 w/Android 14.
IF version: 24.4.2.