Frigid Minneapolis Spotting

Awesome. Where were these taken at? Also what are the Cardinals? I do know Arizona is a state, so is the Cardinals the state animal?


The Minneapolis - Saint Paul international Airport official spotting location.

The Arizona Cardinals are the NFL team based in Phoenix, Arizona.

When were these photos taken? Sun County hasn’t used the livery in that photo of 3 737s for years

Wait those three are all of the three Sun Country liveries since 2001, when was this photo taken???

They were taken December 1st. They operate 3 liveries at the moment.

But… Those haven’t been the Sun Country liveries for several years lol. Are they like special edition retro liveries?

The Tide Pod livery is the current one. The other two aren’t “retro” or special liveries, they’re just not the current. It’s like how the United Continental merger livery is not the newest iteration, but you wouldn’t call it “retro.” Eventually all SY’s aircraft will wear the Tide Pod livery, but there’s no rush


I’m guessing they’re very slow to repaint their aircraft lol, it’s been six and eight years since those liveries were replaced

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They just haven’t been repainted yet—they probably won’t be until the paint actually starts peeling off, so we’ll keep seeing the old paint jobs for a while.

I just flew out from MSP this morning and got this photo—quite a few still have the old liveries, and some don’t even have winglets.


The all blue livery with “sun country airlines” lettering reminds me of when SCX used to send the sole -700 to Jackson 🥰😍
I’ll try to dig through my phone archives and find a photo


Honestly their 2001 livery is one of my favorite aircraft liveries of all time. I’m devastated it got replaced.

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I think they’re all pretty cool. My favorite Sun Country fun fact is that on the tail and rear end of the fuselage of the “Tide Pod” livery is a depth map of Minnesota’s Lake Minnetonka. On the older livery, each plane had a unique name after a Minnesota lake, but they dropped that trend after they introduced the tide pod.

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I mean, there’s not really a need to repaint them unless there’s an issue with the paint (peeling or something).

“bUt It’S iNcOnSiStEnT!!”

– me who has no idea how to run an airline

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Gotta love B737s in the snow. Cool picture.


Sun Country is probably one of the best suited airlines for snow operations, since Minneapolis is one of the snowiest major airports in the country.

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