We head back to the Middle East to highlight Emirates, Qatar, and Etihad! Come out and show your pride in supporting one of these very beautiful and amazing airlines. There are plenty of aircraft to choose from for this week’s FNF as we feature these iconic airlines!
Post your best screenshots on Instagram and Twitter and tag us for a chance to have one featured on our social media pages. Simply tag us using @infiniteflight, or use hashtags #infiniteflight, #fridaynightflight, #dubaidisco. We look forward to seeing all your amazing photos!
Event Details
Server: Any
Airport: OMDB and OMAA
Aircraft: Any Emirates/Qatar/Etihad aircraft
Pattern work at controllers discretion.
Please follow the rules of each server as required.
There are no established routes for this event.
Have fun!
FNF Event Hours:
Begin - Friday 24st August @ 07:00 ZULU (12:00am PDT)
End - Saturday 25th August @ 07:00 ZULU (12:00am PDT)
King Hussein International Airport (OJAQ) is in Jordan and is known to be a very underserved airport, however with great scenery being near the sea. The Etihad A321 and the Qatar A319 would fit this route perfectly!
I’ll probably be doing OJAQ-OMAA tomorrow so let me know if you want to join :)
Credit to @C_Baccari for posting an excellent topic on this (don’t be misled by the title):