Frequent Error code 7 (Flight and ATC mode)

Everytime i start a flight or ATC session, i get Error code 7, 50% of the time. I had to exit then reenter multiple times to make it work (everytime i gor Error code 7)

I dont have any connection issue. This problem appears after 24.4 release. Never had this issue before.

Just wanted to flag it to the dev team.


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Operating system:

Hello @EGhossein
Error code 7 Usually pops up if there is a connection issue between you and the servers.

Good luck flying!

Dont think its a connection issue. I restart device and connection before each session.

Also this start happening in 24.4. Something with the new update

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I’ve been getting this error message regularly and I’ve tried all those suggestions previously mentioned. I would suggest emailing the team at [email protected]


I’ve had this issue occur during my last three long-haul flights, the most recent being just a moment ago. I’ve been getting this error message regularly ever since the release of 24.4. I’m sure it isn’t a connection issue as I didn’t get this error pop-up at all before the recent update.

It’s starting to get annoying, but thank goodness for the function where you can resume your flight.

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Please report it to the email address above as they can get you to send them a log when it happens and it’ll help with diagnosis.

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I just emailed support via the email provided. Thanks for the help, hopefully it keads to a fix of some sort.

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