FPLtoIF.com Issue

Hey there, Yenier writing

So basically I was doing an overnight flight from China to Europe, the irl flight went through Russia but when I created an fpl via FPLtoIF.com it didn’t got me through Russia, is there any way to fix that? I’ve been checking and not only on my flight but on all flights that go from China to Europe generates a wrong fpl to chinese airlines… Let me know if you can help! Would be great.


Thanks for helping!

So then which Planner should I use because FPLtoIF and Simbrief doesn’t get me through Russia

Planners are based on the current situation.
Maybe you are able to find some old routes.

Current situation is that chinese airlines can get through Russia

Maybe you can find some routes on FR24.

You can go through the list of suggested routes to see if there’s a correct one

If not, you can use the “route finder” to generate one, it will choose a route close to the great circle

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Thanks man!