Anyone want to do a formation flight like last night?
Training server
Airport and aircraft TBD
If you are in, leave a comment and we can figure out what planes, what time, and where
Anyone want to do a formation flight like last night?
Training server
Airport and aircraft TBD
If you are in, leave a comment and we can figure out what planes, what time, and where
Anyone? Not a single pilot wants to do this?
i’d be down
What time and where would you like to fly out of
can we do the same as yesterday? and right now is fine
Ok I can do it now, where do you want to do it?
same as yesterday
You spawned in?
ima spawn rn, lemme get the callsigns
i’ll be air force 625 flight of 2, you be air force 625
Be a KC-10 or a c-130
which one are you gonna be?
F-16, let’s fly at FL280 and 300 IAS
ok, let’s spawn in at KNPA and i’ll copy your fpl
i’ll follow you bc i’ve never done this before
You follow the navigation, I will stay to your wings
did you spawn yet?
Remember training server
right thank you
ok give me a few minutes to do the on the ground stuff