Foreflight Delayed

Hey! I was wondering if there is a solution to my plane on foreflight being a bit behind where it actually is. Is anyone else having this issue? Thanks!

How far behind is “a bit?” Like 1NM, or hours behind?

Around 25NM

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Maybe there’s some delay in how Infinite Flight transmits’s its data to 3rd party sites?

It’s weird though because it was wrong on my irl flight also

That seems more like a ForeFlight issue then.

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Yeah, if it’s not just Infinite Flight then it’s probably best to use their support instead of here. They know more about their own product than we do.

How so? ForeFlight has always been very accurate for me when the GPS signal has been good. Try adding GPS strength to your instruments line, I’ve never had any issues with it when the GPS signal has been good. It can struggle occasionally on airliners especially if you aren’t in a window seat it’s unlikely you will have a GPS signal in my experience.

So on IF the accuracy was showing 1M. On the plane I had a window seat and was connected to Delta WiFi and it was showing 22M.

And in what way was it “wrong”? Asking out of genuine curiosity because I have never had issues with ForeFlight. 22m sounds about right for being inside the back of a passenger airliner, and WiFi network wouldn’t impact it. 22m though should be sufficient for ForeFlight to work as normal.

Plane cruised at FL330 and it was showing us cruising at FL345.

This is going to be due to the fact that above 18,000 we fly at pressure altitude flight levels, not true altitudes above sea level. ForeFlight will be measuring with GPS a true altitude above sea level, if the altimeter was set with the local altimeter setting it would read the same, but above 18,000 feet everyone sets their altimeter to standard pressure which is 29.92 inHg. Above 18,000 the altitude the in flight entertainment or pilot tells you for your aircraft and the GPS altitude will no longer agree.

That makes much more sense. Can you change your altimeter on foreflight and if so how?

Changing your altimeter setting is only a thing on barometric altimeters. ForeFlight will show you the pressure altitude your device is at, but that will be probably about 6-8,000 feet since it will just be showing you cabin altitude.

Got it, I had GPS altitude instead of barometric altitude.

GPS altitude is more useful, the barometric altitude on your device will only show you the cabin altitude which is not going to be much lower than true altitude in a pressurized aircraft. This is why ForeFlight actually calls it cabin altitude.

Are you able to share some screenshots of this happening in Infinite Flight? Screenshots of both IF and ForeFlight at the same time showing the difference would be most helpful.

So if I have this correct let’s say I’m in a real plane the barometric altitude will show whatever the planes IFE screen shows (ex: 33,000ft) and GPS altitude will show an altitude a little higher because it is not set to the proper altimeter (ex: 34,500ft)?

Yes during my next IF flight which will be a little later today I’ll send a screenshot.

Doing a flight right now and it’s working fine. I think it was my WiFi connection because I’m now on a different WiFi.

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