Coming also add me to the tag list if you want
a bit off with the transition
Feedback for speedbird 728
Transition 😅: you were clearing me for transition between FL200 (20000 ft) and FL350 (35000 ft) The correct way to work it out is altitude of airport rounded up to 500 + 1500 for pattern altitude + 1000 for separation so the correct altitude should have been at or above 3000 ft
Pattern entries: I should always be given a pattern entry when inbound and changing runways. You gave me a pattern entry when i first called inbound just not really the ideal runway but thats ok. But when I changed runways i didnt get a pattern entry (e.g. enter right downwind runway 27L)
Sequencing: I should be given a sequence to follow an aircraft before being cleared for the option (e.g. number 2 traffic to follow is on left downwind followed by number 2 cleared for the option runway 26L)
Spacing: I was flying too close to @Jesus_Gutierrez so the correct spacing command should have been extend downwind I will call your base and maintain slowest practical speed not adjust speed to follow aircraft ahead.
Exit command: exit commands should be given when I am on my landing roll ideally under 70 kts but more than 50 kts. Not when I am on a 2 mile final
I am sure @Jesus_Gutierrez will also give you some tips.
You seemed to know what you were doing just didn’t know how to voice it. I would recommend checking the user guide linked bellow it will help you more than you know
Feedback from SU-AVE
Transition was good, when I called for touch and gos, I didn’t get a pattern entry , it should’ve been enter right downwind RWY 27R . Instead you cleared me for the option w/o a pattern entry . Clear for the option comes after the sequencing. I had to report downwind several times. Every time I take off again you must clear me for the option.
Runway change: it was good, I got an enter left downwind RWY 26L then clear for the option after the option make left traffic . Now “after the option make left or right traffic” should only be used during a runway change or as an aircraft calls on ground for pattern work. When @Endurable called in for change to 26L you should’ve asked me to follow him by saying “SU-AVE #2 traffic to follow is on right base” followed by a number 2 clear for the option .
Upon landing I didn’t get a exit runway instructions. The correct instructions would’ve been “ When able turn right cross Runway 26R and contact ground “
Also wrong transition for @Endurable it’s always the Airport elevation +2,500 if the elevation is less than 500 let’s say 141FT then the transition would be 2500 if it’s 400 then it’s 3000.
Overall there might have been more mistakes but I remember those mentioned above. Keep practicing‘you’ll do better
I am open Tower and Ground at VHHH till 07:00 z. Hope to see you all there!
@Dope @Endurable @AviationFlyer
Probably going to take my Practical Soon!
@PlaneStyle thank you for attending my traning, sorry if I messed up the left / right base.
If you have any suggestion feel free to write them up below!
Have a awesome day!
That’s not your fault! I departed a bad runway those mountains got in my way haha!
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