Flying to Every U.S State!

Hi, IFC! I’m happy to announce that this is my first post here in the IFC after joining in February. This will be a bucket list type challenge where I attempt to fly to every U.S State. I want to give a huge shoutout to @BP-Aviation for inspiring me! Thanks!


  • I cannot go back to a state I have already flown to.
  • I cannot exit the US to fly to another state.
  • All routes must be IRL routes.

Final Remarks

I will be posting pictures as fast as possible of my travels. Thanks and wish me luck! (Delaware will not count in this challenge since it currently has no scheduled flights from Dover Airport.)


Good luck man!

Good luck I hope you make this goal success!



Callsign: Frontier Flight 2080
Server: Expert
Cruising Alt. FL330


At the gate

Frontier Flight 2080, runway 28L cleared for departure!


Climbing out of SFO

Cruising at FL330

Descent over the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Frontier Flight 2080, runway 1L cleared to land!

Not the smoothest landing…

At the gate, after a 1 hour and 10 minute flight.


Let me know when you fly to Colorado!

I might be able to tag along!

great! (10 char)

Is Hawaii going to be flown to? Likewise for Alaska? Or just main states?

i’m going to hawaii and alaska too so not just the contiguous US

Hit me up I might be interested in tagging along at some point, also when you fly to Arizona can you fly to KTUS instead of KPHX it’s not 3D but a lot more beautiful approach.


Ps have fun and good luck

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I mean that kind breaks rule 3 of not leaving the US to get to another state. (Unless I’m reading it incorrectly)

Hey, I recommend using MapChart and going to settings and pressing “split US” which will allow you to split up the states, into well… states

Alright. Thanks!

Looks fun I can’t wait for u to visit New York

sorry if you’re confused, i might have explained it bad. what i mean by leaving the us to get to another state is that i cant exit the country (including alaska and hawaii). for example, if i was flying to alaska via dfw, i cant cross the canadian border otherwise that would be counted as exiting the country.

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so i did this

imma replace it

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Nice dude!

Ok I get it now thanks for explaining



Callsign: Alaska 1289
Server: Expert
Cruising Alt: FL360


Parked at Terminal E, Gate 12

Beautiful line up shot!


Cruising at FL360

Descent into Portland!

On approach

Again, not the best landing…

Down, and into the gate after a 1 hour and 17 minute flight.


Will you fly from Hawaii to Alaska?