Good luck I hope you make this goal success!
Let me know when you fly to Colorado!
I might be able to tag along!
Is Hawaii going to be flown to? Likewise for Alaska? Or just main states?
i’m going to hawaii and alaska too so not just the contiguous US
Hit me up I might be interested in tagging along at some point, also when you fly to Arizona can you fly to KTUS instead of KPHX it’s not 3D but a lot more beautiful approach.
Ps have fun and good luck
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I mean that kind breaks rule 3 of not leaving the US to get to another state. (Unless I’m reading it incorrectly)
Hey, I recommend using MapChart and going to settings and pressing “split US” which will allow you to split up the states, into well… states
Looks fun I can’t wait for u to visit New York
sorry if you’re confused, i might have explained it bad. what i mean by leaving the us to get to another state is that i cant exit the country (including alaska and hawaii). for example, if i was flying to alaska via dfw, i cant cross the canadian border otherwise that would be counted as exiting the country.
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Ok I get it now thanks for explaining
Will you fly from Hawaii to Alaska?