FlyBe Bombardier Dash-8-Q400 purple livery

Okay, before I start, I know there are other requests about this. But, they seem a little outdated, inactive and not very well layed out. If a moderator takes this down, I understand why.

FlyBe have a total fleet of 83 aircraft. The majority being erj 175s and Dash Q-400s. These aircraft both consist of this livery. The livery is purple with the Flybe colours at the back. I personally think this is a nice livery that needs to be added to Infinite Flight.

I hope this will be added soon!

I would definitely love to have this feature, although I haven’t got any remaining votes


It would be such a nice and colorful addition to IF 😍


Is this for the Dash 8 or the Embraer 195?


Edited it to clear it up.

Seems to be pretty obvious, since the plane in the photo is a Dash-8 ;)

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Please yes. I flew on this twice this summer, and adore the livery.
Unfortunately got no votes left and I’m not willing to remove one, but I still desperately want this.


Yeah, but the title wasn’t and since he can’t put two photos, he could’ve also meant the E195.

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Both. I only put the dash q400 because I’m only allowed to put one photo in

You should either make it a livery request for the Dash-8 or the ERJ.

If you want to have both, you’ll have to make two separate requests.

You beat me to it :). I was about to say that

They’re both the same livery. It’s just on two different aircraft

You need to make two separate requests then.

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Only one request per feature. Choose either the Dash 8 or the ERJ.

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