I guess it’s not just Infinite Flight pilots that taxi at the speed of sound.
Hello. I am new. My name is FriendlySkiesU and this is my first post.
I found an A400 Codenamed PLM TR33(Plum Tree).
Welcome to the community! Nice catch 👍🏻
Very cool and welcome!
Yeah, I’ve noticed USAF RQ-4s usually have FORTE## and the United States Navy is usually BLKHWK##, @Ashley_Cunningham ! Nice find!
The Global Hawks are based out of Naval Air Station Sigonella, on the island of Sicily. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe they’re current mission is to monitor/recon the war in Ukraine
Welcome to the lair of the avgeeks, brother
Nice catch!
To be fair he is on a runway so speed restrictions wouldn’t matter then I guess.
Well typically 30 knots GS is the maximum you can taxi on a runway. I suppose since its a military facility, the rules can get a little bent.
how would you takeoff then
He said taxi…
theres no taxi speed limitations on a runway
In infinite flight yeah, but some airports will use a runway as a taxiway and enforce restrictions.
In real aviation, 20 knots is the maximum ground speed for a standard taxiway, and 30 knots is the maximum taxi speed for a runway, such as during back-taxiing. Obviously, the rules get bent a little from airport to airport, but that is the widely recognized rule.
If only this were true…
A good example is Chicago midway where runway 31R is being used as taxiway H.
Just yesterday, I was looking at KMDW building that flight plan for you, and I realized that KMDW doesn’t have any published departure procedures, other than radar vectors.