Flight time

Can time of flight be changed in Training and Expert Server like in Casual??
I’m one landing away from making Grade 2 and I hate night flights

I don’t really understand the question. Are you asking about if you can speed up time like you can do in solo? If so, no. These are multiplayer servers and you can’t just zoom by. If it takes too long, try doing other activities. An easy way to rack up your hours and landings is to do overnight flights. Depart before bed, wake up, and land. Or, just distract yourself with other things. Unless VFR, I and most players do not sit for their whole flight.

Also, recently you’ve been posting a lot of questions on here. Why not just put them all in one topic? If not, feel free to dm me for any further questions.

Oh, sorry, I’m quite new and I ask alot of questions too.
Well I mean, can you change your time from night to day manually in the other servers too?

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Oh, my apologizes, I misunderstood the question. Yes, when you pause the game, on the right hand side of the screen there are different auto set times of day, or you can slide it to your own discretion.

If you want to “farm” landings ie get more landings on your profile stats, spawn in an XCub on an airport like Denver Intl and do touch and goes. Should be done on the Casual Multiplayer server
You can get up to 100 landings per hour if you do it right
Never mind, misunderstood it too lol