Flight resume takes long to load the resuming of flight

Hello there I’m trying to get back to my flight since I got disconnected and the thing is taking long to load which was from egll to yssy and I need urgent help

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This doesn’t normally happen (not that I’ve ever seen) so I would suggest closing the app and restarting your device. Upon the restart, clear your cache.

I tried restarting it and closing the application but haven’t cleared cache

But won’t it clear my flight from egll-yssy which I was doing just now becuase I disconnected. @Sumith_Kotian also said he has the same problem

It still doesn’t show it

Close the app and try opening after 20 mins

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Maybe it will work

Ok lemme try

Try unistalling the app

But that will clear everything

@nabilk11_777flyer what version of the app are you on - are you on the latest hotfix (24.4.4)?

Yes the latest hotfix

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