One area of Aerofly I like that I wondered if IF could introduce is the flight plan section where you type in departure/ destination and it maps out flight plan.
This would be a great feature in the future if possible.
So basically like simbrief but built into IF?
Also you might want to put this in the features category to make a request.
Yes I think it would be a great way to save time and clean up start up and airport departures etc in multiplayer
There’s plenty of tools available to aid with flight planning and to create flight plans for you. I use tools, including ForeFlight, to create flight plans, but also like the ability to create my own FPL’s or modify a plan created by ForeFlight and copy it over to Infinite Flight.
That said, what we really need is a process to submit our flight plans and receive an IFR clearance delivery. The IFR clearance delivery process would ideally modify SIDs/STARs as needed for traffic flow based on runways in use, fix any errors and add missing waypoints.
PLEASE make a feature request. You’d have my vote instantly!
Edit: Nevermind i guess there is one?
I believe this may already be on the development road map, but not sure how far out we’re looking.
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