Flash Flight: London to Amsterdam!

Happy Friday, everyone! Get ready to take to the skies in another bustling Flash Flight! Join us for an short trip from London Heathrow to Amsterdam Schiphol using the British Airways A320 ✈️

IFATC will provide service where able, so remember to always be in contact with them if they are open. This includes centre and departure frequencies.


View all details
Origin Destination Livery Aircraft Distance Duration Fuel Server Departure
EGLL EHAM British Airways A320 245 NM 0:45 5,180 kgs Expert 2024-12-06T16:00:00Z

⚠️ NOTAM: Please copy @Dan’s flight plan prior to departure for the exact routing.
As this event is being hosted on the expert server, we ask for your full cooperation with ATC and to follow all expert server rules. Speed & altitude at your discretion. Have fun!

Please check whether or not you’re attending this event below!

Be sure to post your best screenshots and videos on Instagram, Twitter or TikTok and tag us for a chance to have one featured on our social media pages. Simply tag us using @infiniteflight, or use hashtags #infiniteflight and #flashflight. We look forward to seeing all of your amazing shots! You can also follow us on YouTube where we live stream some of these events and occasionally host giveaways!


How can I appeal my Level 2 or 3 Violation?

If reported by ATC on the Expert Server for an infraction you will be issued a Level 2 or Level 3 Violation. This may be appealed here on the Community Forum by sending a direct message to @appeals where you should provide your callsign, display name, location, details surrounding the report, and a replay file which can easily be uploaded here!

How do I get IFATC at my event?

IFATC members are encouraged to staff all community events around the world! While events aren’t featured on the schedule, community members may use the schedule locations to create future events with guaranteed traffic!

Head over to our Events category to begin creating. You can use helpful tags like atc-needed and atc-staffed to let controllers know where they’re needed.

How can I get my event featured?

Community Events are now a staple of the community with users creating awesome events for others to enjoy. We love incorporating your events into our official communications and live stream schedules! To get your event featured, all you have to do is create an event and publish it in Events. From here, our team will manually review these events each month and hand-pick the ones we would like to officially feature!

Click HERE for more information

What does it mean to have my event officially featured?

If your event is chosen to be featured, we will:

  • Advertise on our Official Discord channel before and during the event
  • Add it to the ATC Schedule
  • Highlight it on our social media channels
  • Pin the event topic to the IFC
  • Feature the event on the in-app home screen

Event Feedback

We value your input and would love to hear your thoughts on this event. Could you please take a few minutes to fill out this short survey about your experience? Your feedback will help us improve future events. Share your feedback here!


Awesome Flash Flight Dan!!!

Definitely coming!

Can’t attend as usual 🗿

yooo this gonna be my first time actually joining an event yasss

whyd i say that so zesty

Let’s go 💪🏻👍🏻

I’ll see you there Dan

Very nice. Looking forward to seeing you pack EHAM with traffic for my last flight ever.

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You’re retiring from IF?

Yes, just departed from EFHK to EHAM for the last one.

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btw,how can i get the flight plan?

Copy mine of a fellow pilots flight plan at the beginning of the event :)

Happy retirement

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Me and Dan alone across the sea 😂

Maybe I should ask you and Dan to join our event from EFHK instead ;)

when do we get started?

Infinite Flight, please resolve this issue because I nearly just got a violation because of it.

I was at approach on EHAM and everything was looking good so far… until suddenly and somehow, my frequency changed to a unicom (on my mama I didn’t press ANYTHING)… I just thought “oh weird, the controller probably tired so he left”

So I used the UNICOM and announced I am inbound on the ILS RWY 27, but as I was doing that, I noticed that an ATC was still talking to other players even though I was at the Unicom frequency so I was starting to get a little suspicious…

My speculation was right, as while I was a few feet/nm away from the runway, an ATC talked to me saying I was cleared to land RWY 27, so I tried to reply but I couldn’t, so I tried switching frequency by tuning out of the unicom, but then NO frequency was in sight except for the unicom?..

Now I was starting to panic as I was too focused on this bug so I was too low papi’s all red… I just ignored that for a bit and focused on getting the plane on the ground, but as I was also doing that, the ATC kept contacting me to “you’re in an active airspace/airport contact this frequency 127 point blah blah blah” but I just couldn’t see the frequency button! Atp I just wanted to log out…

I checked and checked after that… but still nothing except for the EHAM unicom… then the ATC contacted me again that I was in an active airport.

So boom I just left.

By the way, this happened less than an hour ago, so I think some ATC can investigate this ig, or a tech person, just please resolve this issue ASAP.

In fact, this also happened to another person while he was on final approach RWY 27R (I think) at EGLL… the ATC was trying to contact him but he was switched at a different frequency while still hearing the ATC at another frequency.

I’ll be copy and pasting this to the “Support” category so feel free to contact me there.

Why during school days? Why

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