Yessss finally one I can join! See you all there! ✈️✈️
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@Dan Can’t see you
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Dan hasn’t spawned in yet…
He probably hasn’t spawned in yet mate - it’s still about 25 minutes until the event starts :)
that’s true, because Dan usually spawns 1/2 hr before any flight
Is it being live-streamed on YT?
I just landed there, the gust is real!!!
not this time
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No its not.
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ohh damnn, a perfect sunset with a bunch of 777s
Escorts are welcome!
Can’t make this flight sadly
Hello from the cargo A339
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very long taxi today
What flight level
I’m going to FL230
Cruise speed?
Mach 3000000
in all seriousness…
I’ll probably cruise at 300 or so :)