Flaps extension and stable approach

when i extend my last flaps for landing. i do it after gear down (only the last flap), basically on the final approach phase. i lower my speed to app speed first and then i extend the last flap.

issue im facing is after extending my last flap aircraft pitches up and down wildly, even if i do trim changes. it becomes so difficult to continue on a stable approach (3 out of 10 approaches). any solutions?

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Could you upload a replay to https://sharemyinfiniteflight.com/?

yeah sure 😃


worst landing i know dont mind😭

I think you were going too slow before you went full flaps so you were trimmed up too much for them. Try going full flaps closer to 150-160 kts. Also from my experience the 777 is a bit touchy on the pitch axis so it will be harder to fly a stable approach.


thank u so much on the advice. i will update u with the differences i feel on the next flight

actually after u mentioned about 777. i kinda realising this happens mostly with 777.

It’s normal for every IF aircraft, don’t worry, but it’s something that should be corrected by the IF team whenever they can.

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idk it doesn’t happens always tb, 10 out of 3 for sure.

This is pretty simple. You dropped to approach speed on flaps 15 of course your aircraft is going to have trouble maintaining a stable approach

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so ive to configure flaps before approach speed?

Absolutely , you should have your flaps configured before reaching your final approach speed. It should also be incremental , not straight from 15 to 30

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thanks. understandable ❤️

another doubt gear down flap 15, this is what I follow.

so i will be around 170-180 IAS at this point, so when / what is the least speed for landing flaps to be extended?

No problem, also if you have a unstable approach like this you should be going around and trying it again

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i always go around. Today my clinic got busy ive to land this flight, tbh i got fixated 🤣

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For this scenario try doing this . Flaps 15 at 180kts , 20 at >170kts , 25 at 160kts, 30 at 150kts and then drop to your approach speed which looked like around 141.

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thanks actually. ❤️

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Try this in single player and let me know how it goes

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sure.I will let u know tomorrow