Welcome to Zurich, A famous city in Switzerland. Many people believe Zurich is the capital of Switzerland but its actually Bern! Well we not officially. Zurich is known for its iconic buildings, architecture, landscape and cleanliness. Switzerland is located in the central heart of Europe, near the Alpine mountains.
Speaking of Alpine mountains, you will have some one of the best departures in infinite flight, since Zurich airport is located right next to the Alps! Enjoy the breathtaking views of the Alpine mountains on departure and arrival, but safety first! Expect some strong winds coming from these magnificant hills!
Listen to ATC ( if present )
I am not responsible for any violations
Respect others
No gate Assigments, choose your own route and airline
Server - EXPERT
Have Fun!
If only! Ahem… Welcome to geography with Marc. The capital city of Switzerland is: None. Switzerland doesn’t have an official capital city. The reason for this is that no city in the Swiss confederation should hold a higher status of importance than any other city.
That is, however, only the official “de jure” version of the story. “De facto”, the Swiss capital city is Bern - where our parliament and government, as well as our national bank (and a fantastic gelateria 🍦, but that’s not relevant) have their seat.
Now that we’ve cleared this up: Great event idea! Have fun ✈️
Thank you for teaching me some Geography as its my favourite subject in school! Ill get this fixed up and hope to see you in Zurich, lifting off into the infinite skies!
@Dub_aviation Looks great!, would be you mind, if up to 4x F/A-18EL’s visit from IFAE-GAF’s European Air Forces -Escadre d’aviation 11 (Air Wing 11) visit for the fly-in?
Ye totally up to you, as long as you follow all atc instructions and not cause any trouble resulting in a violation, then your good to go! See you there :)
great!, affirm that won’t be an issue with us, were part of Infinite Flight Aviation Experts VO. We’ll likely only do a slower run and break on arrival and pairs or streamed departure.