Finished | 20MAY22 / 1600Z - Celebrating IFGA’s 2 Year IFVARB Approval Anniversary! @ RPLL


Welcome to IFGA‘s 2 Year IFVARB Approval Anniversary event!

We hope to have you with us!


Here at IFGA we strive to fly to a standard above and beyond expected of Infinite Flight pilots.
We fly with skill and precision that is unrivalled in the infinite flight community.
These two values allow us to perform an impressive standard of professionalism and courtesy which sets us apart from other groups.
We also offer an extensive team of talented and dedicated staff and moderators to ensure that our pilots have the best possible experience with us.
So why not join us and see what else we have to offer and see how flying with us is!

Find out more here

Event Information

Celebrating IFGA’s 2 Year Anniversary approval, with a surprise in the beginning of the event!

Note: IFGA will lead this Event

Date & Time - 22nd January - 17:00Z

Server - Expert server

Route - Ninoy Aquino RPLL → Hong Kong VHHH

Estimated Flighttime - 1hr 50min +/-

Aircraft & Airline

A350 - Infinite Flight
B757-200 - Infinite Flight
MD11 - Infinite Flight

Flight Information

⬇️ Required To Follow ⬇️

Flight Level - FL340
Climb Profile - 250/280/M0.84
VS - 2500/1500

FUEL QTY - 2:30hr
PAX/CARGO - Up to pilot

Departure - RPLL
DEP RWY - 24

Arrival - VHHH
Approach N/A

Gate Assignment

Please note that several Terminal 3 gates are reserved for IFGA members

Please sign up in the following format:
Callsign / Aircraft / Airline

Gate Aircraft Airline Pilot Callsign
Terminal 3
107 - Infinite Flight @IF.Maks
108 - Infinite Flight @AhtapotAK (SB)
109 - Infinite Flight @jnbossies
110 - Infinite Flight @Louie (SB)
111 - Infinite Flight Reserved
112 - Infinite Flight Reserved
113 - Infinite Flight @Indyspotter
114 - Infinite Flight @AviatorRyan (SB)
115 - Infinite Flight @TwinZ (SB)
116 - Infinite Flight @AK025
117 - Infinite Flight Available
118 - Infinite Flight Available
119 - Infinite Flight Available
120 - Infinite Flight Available
More gates will be added if needed.


IFGA will not take any responsibility for any reports or violations

Please fly professional and follow Expert server rules

Please follow all ATC instructions

Please follow all instructions given for and throughout the event

Please maintain a 10-15nm spacing at all times

Please spawn 15 minutes prior to event

That‘s it!

We hope to have you with us and see what IFGA is all about!

See you there!


Good evening @TwinZ & @AviatorRyan, may we add you to the gates and put you on standby?


Sure that is fine with me :D


Пт, 20 мая 2022 г. в 08:38, ifglobalaviators via Infinite Flight Community <[email protected]>:

Awesome, you have been assigned to your gates, you may check them above, all further flight details available soon.
@AviatorRyan @TwinZ

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Good afternoon @AK025, may we add you to a gate and put you on standby?

Event begins in 30 minutes!

Several gates still available, view above for all information!

Event is now taking place, feel free to spawn in!

@AviatorRyan @TwinZ @AK025

Flight Information

⬇️ Required To Follow ⬇️

Flight Level - FL340
Climb Profile - 250/280/M0.84
VS - 2500/1500

FUEL QTY - 2:30hr
PAX/CARGO - Up to pilot

Departure - RPLL
DEP RWY - 24

Arrival - VHHH
Approach N/A

Signature of Event Manager: @IF.Maks

Flight Plan now available, copy via IFGA Maks (IFGA-15)

Hello everyone, hope you guys are enjoing the airshow, Pushback in 3 min!

Takeoff complete by all pilots!

Cruise has now been reached

Arrivals are underway!

Thank you everyone for joining! 💙

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Event’s highlights

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