Fighting The Palisades Fire

Hello everyone!

During the tragic Palisades Fire that devastated the Santa Monica area, I spent as much time as I could recreating what the brave firefighter pilots had to do to fight this massive fire.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the thousands whose lives have been impacted by the fire

Enjoy the photos!

Double Tanker Time

View of the two tankers from a third tanker not too far behind

Bring in the C-130J!

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Very nice, and well edited photos! 👌
Prayers to those affected from the fire. 🙏


Thanks! I think you were the Q400 in the C-130 photos because we were flying at the same time if I remember correctly

Nice pictures!

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Yea! You made me remember just now! 😂 I had forgotten I flew the Q400 like crazy over the weekend. Made me went and check the app, nice flying!


Thank you!

Nice catch!


We really need to get an updated Q400 livery


The livery just simply needs to be added, there is nothing to update since the livery used on the Q400 in the pictures is registered in France. It’s the closest thing we have to the tanker livery

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Ok, I thought I was a perfectionist, i now think I’ve barely scratched the surface

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is the fire in the room with us


Incredible photos! Great work!

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That’s just incredible

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Great shots!

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Thank you!

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These are from my first flight, ill show the ones from me being air attack and leading two c130’s later

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Beautiful photos!


DC-10s and 747s at KBUR smh

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DC-10? Maybe. I’ve never seen one, but I have seen DC-8s and C-5s at BUR, so possibly a DC-10. However, I would never attempt it unless I saw it in real life. But the 747? That’s just a crime.


DC-10 needs around 7,000 foot runway and they could fit at Burbank so it’s fine to me. (Also Burbank used to be my local airport)

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