Hi everyone! I was flying into WSSS Airport and if anyone has time, could I please have some feedback on my takeoff and approach and landing? I was instructed to go around 2 times but for the other two times I went around my self as I was and still am struggling with having a steady approach and non-chaotic landing. Also, when I would go around my plane would go into stalls even though everything was ok, any comments are appreciated! Thank you.
Here’s some things I found after watching your replay.
I noticed 2 big things causing you to struggle:
- Your flight spoilers are on
- Your approach speed is too slow for your current weight
Firstly, your flight spoilers will cause a lot of drag and make you lose a lot of lift, causing your airspeed and angle of attack to fluctuate. You should keep the spoilers on the ‘armed’ mode, that way they stay down until touchdown.
Secondly, your airspeed is too low, causing your angle of attack increase, which eventually makes you stall. You should aim for a speed which keeps your pitch angle at about 0 to 2 degrees (in landing configuration). This speed is dependant on weight.
These 2 things combined with your use of trim make the plane destabilized. Next time remember to have your spoilers down and a high enough speed.
Also a bit more small remarks I noticed:
- You rotated a bit late, at 180kts. The appropriate speed for rotation is generally around 150kts.
- On rotation you can pitch up to 15 degrees, you only pitched to 10.
- Your control inputs seemed a bit abrupt. You can adjust the control sensitivity from Settings → Controls → Motion
I hope this helps you improve!
Also on the second approach, you could have 100% still landed, you were still perfectly in the touchdown zone ;) but it’s your choice ofc
So how can I calculate what speed I need to be while approach and landing, depending on my weight and other factors?
Also why was the plane going into stall after I would go around?
Thank you
Those calculations are quite complex and you would need the correct graphs for the airplane model. But there are threads here with a lot of information. What I personally use is Simbrief.
once you create a Simbrief flight plan you will have access to two windows called « takeoff » and « landing ». You will be able to insert all your data (runway, weight, temperature,…) and it will give you a performance calculation.
Looking at the right you can see « VAPP 144 », this is your approach speed.
If it’s too complex don’t hesitate to send a private message and I’ll further explain!
You can either do it with simbrief like @Brucelee just nicely explained or if you don’t want to do that a bit of trial and error with the speed is also viable. Though if you want to be realistic I’d recommend simbrief.
For the stalls, I have no other explanation but that your angle of attack is momentarily a bit high due to pulling up on low speeds.
This video shows quite well what happens when you reach and ultimately go beyond your critical angle of attack. (Having speedbrakes extended accelerates the process, you will reach critical aoa sooner)
What controls do you recommend I should change?
You probably should adjust your device’s sensitivity to tilting, which you can find in
Adjust them how you feel like!
Thank you!
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