Feedback and Suggestion Regarding the 252 Waypoint Limit

Dear Infinite Flight Team,

First of all, thank you for developing such an amazing flight simulator. Infinite Flight allows us to enjoy our passion for aviation in a realistic and enjoyable way, and I truly appreciate all the hard work your team has put into this platform.

I would like to provide feedback on a limitation I recently encountered. When creating flight plans, I noticed that there is a 252 waypoint limit, and any waypoints beyond this are not loaded into the simulator. While I understand that this might be a technical limitation for performance optimization, it can be restrictive for users who wish to conduct detailed and realistic long-haul flights.Would it be possible to revisit this limit in future updates? For example, a dynamic limit based on device capabilities could be a potential solution, or perhaps an alternative way to handle longer flight plans could be considered.I hope this suggestion is taken into account as a step toward enhancing the user experience for long-haul enthusiasts like me. Thank you once again for your dedication and commitment to improving Infinite Flight.

Best regards,


I didn’t even that a waypoint limit existed 🤣


This is a limit on the 3rd party website you are using. The simulator itself does not have this limitation :)


Why’d you need so many waypoints, am I missing something? Or you flying on Jupiter?


When importing an fpl file into Infinite Flight, it imposes a 252 waypoint limit where any waypoints after the 252nd are ignored. However, if you import multiple fpl files (provided all are under the 252 waypoint limit) and add them rather than replace, your sky art will look correct in IF.

IF Flightplan Tools gives you this warning to make you aware of this in case your flightplan looks weird and broken. It assumes you’ll have your entire sky art in one fpl file.

Hence @CPT_MUNIR_YUSUF, a technique that worked for me is by splitting my sky art into multiple .fpl files (ensuring all are under the 252 waypoint limit) and import and append them one at a time.


I have no issues loading as many waypoints as I like… I just load the plans one after the other and click ‘add’ instead of replace… I must have been in Laura’s nice list last year! :D

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Just tested this out. Let me correct myself in the post. Thanks!

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Thanks for the info! This technique makes a lot of sense. I’ve encountered similar issues in my sky art projects as well. I’ll try splitting the FPL files and importing them one at a time. Do you use any specific tool or method for splitting them, or do you do it manually?

Thanks for the information! So, the issue is entirely caused by the third-party website I’m using. In that case, I might consider trying a different tool. Do you have any alternative sources or methods you’d recommend?

I typically draw my sky art into different pieces, export them out into individual fpls then import them into IF.

Is there any case where a realistic route actually contains more than 252 waypoints? Sounds rather extreme…

Yes, it’s possible in some cases. For example, on long-haul flights, especially those involving NATs (North Atlantic Tracks) or PACOTS,combined with detailed SID/STAR procedures and enroute waypoints, the total can exceed 252 waypoints. Additionally,this limit is more likely to be reached when creating sky art or custom flight plans.

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That’s a clever method! Breaking the sky art into smaller pieces and importing them as separate FPL files is a great way to work around the waypoint limit. I’ll definitely try this.Thank you everyone

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None that I am aware of I’m afraid :(

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