Feature Request: Ground Operation Radio Voices


I’m finally allowed to post here, so I copied my post from a while ago and added some more things. 🙂

So, I thought of a feature, that barely uses any resources or performance, but will add a lot of realism.

We all know the PAX, Cargo, Catering and Push Back buttons. Together with @JeppyG I thought of this:

Adding voice reactions! With the already existing AI voices, we all hear as our ingame voice or ATC voice. Maybe with a little EQ added, so it sounds a bit more like onboard radio. Let me give you examples.

At start:

  • Clicking PAX - Onboard Radio - Crew says “Boarding completed” (PAX is always set on when spawning).

  • Clicking Cargo - Onboard Radio - Crew says “Cargo compelted” (or what ever the real command is, don’t know)

  • Clicking Catering - Onboard Radio - Crew says “Catering completed”

  • when all 3 are done, the Crew Radio says: “All doors closed”.

At the end of a flight, if I push these buttons, they give the other replies like “doors open. Disembarking passengers,…” or what ever the official terms are.

You get the point.

Now, with pushback it could be a lot more.

  • Attaching the truck - ground operations tells “Attached to aircraft. Ready to pushback, Captain”
  • Starting manual or auto Pushback - Ground Operation tells “starting pushback”
  • At a certain point or time, ground operation tells “All clear. Ready for engine start, captain”
    Now, as I click any engine to start, my voice tells “starting engine 1 (or 2,3,4)” and getting a automatically response from ground operation telling “number …, roger”
    If one engine is NOT already stable, the captain says: “Overlapping Engine Start” and gets an auto reply “Overlapping Engine start, roger”. Otherwise it’s just the normal “starting engine 2” and so on.

At the end of Pushback, ground operations tells “Pushback completed, Captain”
As I click detach Pushback, ground operation says “detaching Truck, good day, Captain” and my captain voice gives the already existing answer “Thank you, good day”

In options, you can choose the voice of the ground operator and crew.

What you think about it? I believe it would give the startup and end of a flight much more realism.

Greetings from Germany

Out of votes, but I completely support this idea, it would be a great add!

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Thanks for the mention. Supporting this but I’m out of votes too.

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