Farewell Queen of Asiana

The last queen of Asiana Airlines, HL7428, has laid down the crown
No matter where in the world or how far you go, Korean spotters will remember you!
Forever Queen of the Skies! Farewell!

More than 33 years of service, the last remaining 747 PAX of Asiana Airlines has retired after flight OZ712 from taipei to incheon

Asiana Airlines has operated Boeing 747 families since 1991 with HL7413(747-48EM),
then 747-48E,-48EF(SCD),-48EF,-446F(SCD),-446(BDSF) were operated
Now, there are only ten Asiana 747’s are left for freighter

But sadly some of Asiana Airlines 747 Freighters are going to be retired in September, so I hope all spotters leave a lot of pictures before that


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