Hello, welcome to my ATC tracking thread, approved by my recruiter @Panther. I’ve created this thread to get feedback on my skills and how I could improve. I’m fine with anything, feel free to do pattern work, or come in from a nearby airport.
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Status - CLOSED
Server - Training
Frequencies - Ground and Tower
Airport - LFBO
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Panther is a very good recruiter, I am also the recruiter @Panther Add me ping list
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C5-DEN Feedback:
✔️ Transition Altitude - corrected to 2500’
✔️ Pattern Entry, Option Clearance with traffic Direction
✔️ Good catch, I indeed intended to taxi to the runway and not parking.
For Improvement:
✖️ In IFATC training sessions, you cannot refuse a runway change. Try to accomodate when able (and since TS is without ATIS).
✖️No exit runway command. Yes, I did not indicate “full stop” on final or base, but it’s not necessarily a must either (also because I had to go last minute). Exit runway command usually sent when aircraft reaches somewhere in 60-70 GS* range
✖️Unnecessary GA for the traffic on final. He was 4nm away on my screen, more than enough space for me to vacate the runway. GA distance can be as minimal as 300-400ft from the runway threshold.
🤓 Protip: You can instruct “exit runway left when able, cross runway XX & contact Ground”
LIPZ Ground and Tower, CLOSED! Thanks to @kadengg @That_Mango @CaptainOmer for joining!
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Thank you for the feedback! I’d like to clear up some of these though. I refused the runway change because in real life, runway 04L is used as a taxiway, or for general aviation, a bit like Gatwick. The reason for the GA for the aircraft behind was because the Itarrow crossed the hold short line of 04R. Once again, thank you for coming!
Good luck to your IFATC journey!
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Hiya, nice work today! I’ve put some comments below for reference so you can improve, the timestamps are listed in Zulu so you can re-view it on your replay. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Callsign: YA-PPR
[12:44Z] Good transition
[12:47Z] For the pattern entry, I’d recommend a left downwind compared to right downwind for a teardrop entry. I’ve attached an image below to better visualise it
[12:49Z] The go around was given very early; YA-PPR was still about 2NM out and C5-DEN would’ve cleared the runway to maintain separation minima. The line you see infront of aircraft is where they would be in 30s, you can use this as a reference to see if they would maintain separation minima
[12:55Z] Late runway exit command; the anticipated crossing clearance was nice but try to aim for 70-90kts for jets and 50-60kts for GA when giving runway exit commands
Teardrop Entry
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Thanks for the feedback, it is much appreciated! As cleared up above, the Itarrow overshot the hold short line, which is why I gave the GA command.
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I understand you want to replicate IRL ops, but IFATC training does not consider IRL ops, unless there’s a NOTAM in-game. Since this is TS I’d say it’s okay, but just remember the above :)
And thanks for the clarifying the GA - good save then 👍
Thanks, I’ll keep this in mind.