Given how used to I was to seeing the like button, this fainted colour looked off. So, the round of testing and attempts to troubleshoot the problem begins.
What I found out is that, once the like is locked (after I believe 10 minutes, after which time you can’t remove said like anymore), the button faints. Attempted troubleshooting attempts include refreshing the page, closing the Chrome app and clearing the app’s cache. None of it worked.
I also burned my eyes for a minute or so to test it in light mode as well, and, sure enough, the issue is present as well.
A smaller issue that also popped up is the “post selector” (that rectangle that displays the number of the post you ate on a given topic) , as well as the reply button seemingly smaller than usual.
That is a new redesign its still a WIP. In keeping with Discourses’ new consistent design for buttons etc some text is being removed from buttons and replaced with icons. Charlie from Discourse explained it below…
After 10 mins I also get a faded heart. I assume that this is to show that the action cannot be undone?