Expert Server Requirement

Expert server is becoming the new Training server. It’s bad, as soon as ATC goes offline, people think that there’s nobody else to be considerate too, and instead will taxi through people, terminals, grass and runways. I know for sure that I am not the only one who is fed up of this, and I’m sure there are plenty of topics already out there. But we need to bring more awareness to this issue.
I have thought of a very interesting method to solve this issue.
It’s Simple. Your IFC account has to be linked to your Live Account and to make this even more civil, your account has to be at least TL1, and you have to have read 25% of topics in the #tutorials category.

This will most likely be closed, but I hope someone of high power sees this and realises that this is becoming an issue…

We have already made clear we are working on things to help this 🙂